PO Adjustment Request Notification

The Project Purchase Order modules has a way to send email requests for Purchase Order adjustments. This allows employees to quickly send requests to directors who have authority to approve and make those changes.


Who receives Purchase Order Adjustment notifications?

What triggers Purchase Order Adjustment notifications?

What information is on a Purchase Order Adjustment notification?

Where are Purchase Order Adjustment notifications set up?

How To

Setup and send a PO Adjustment Request Notification

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup module.

    Note: The recipient must be filled out on the notification template recipient list.

    Note: The notification template must have these values


  2. After creating the notification template go to Work > Project Management > Project Purchase Orders and find the Project Purchase Order that a request is going to be sent for.
  3. Go to the PO Adjustment Tracking tab.
  4. Fill in the PO Adjustment Request field with the amount of adjustment to make. This is a numerical value that can be positive or negative.
  5. Fill in the Adjustment Reason field.
  6. Select the button on the toolbar and this screen will pop-up.


  7. Select "Send Email for Budget Transfer Request"
  8. Hit and the following message will appear.


  9. Hit and the following screen will appear. Hit No and it will go back to the Project PO record.


  10. Click the Email Notif # button and select the notification to be sent out.

    Note: Only Notification Templates that have the Notification Module set to "Work Project PO" will show in this list.

  11. Click Button OK and the Notification will be sent.

    Note: A record that this request was sent is saved in the tracking grid on the PO Adjustment Tracking tab.

See Also

Project Purchase Orders

Project Purchase Header Data

General Tab

Line Items Tab

Invoices Tab

PO Adjustment Tracking Tab

Custom and Comments
