Overdue Work Notifications

The Employees assigned as Supervisors on Work Orders can be sent email notifications informing them when the Main Work Task on the Work Order is overdue.


What Determines When a Task is Overdue?

Who Receives Overdue Task Notifications?

Where are the Overdue Task Notifications Set Up?

When are Overdue Task Notifications Sent?

How Can an Overdue Task Notification be Overridden?

How To

Setup a Task to generate an overdue notification

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup module.

    Note: The notification template must have these values


  2. After creating the template, go into the Work Flow Setup > Task module.
  3. On the WO Defaults tab
  4. On the Notifications tab
  5. In Work Flow Setup > Employee > Contact Info tab the Email field must be filled out for the supervisor to receive the notification.Click to view image.
  6. After completing the above setup, every time that task is used as the Main Task on a work order, and the work order is still open after the estimated duration, they supervisor will receive the email notification.

Note: The Work Task must be selected as the Main Task on the Work Order for the related notifications to be sent.

See Also

Work Order Notifications

Supervisor/Leadworker Notifications

Problem Notifications

Work Task Notifications

Work Order Completion

Priority Change Notification

Sending Notifications on a Start Date