Creating a Work Order or PM/Template

Work Orders or PM/Work Templates can be created in ArcMap based on either a feature, a group of features, or a location.

  1. Select the Lucity Module tool Open GBA Module.
  2. Right click on an asset (or do the same with multiple selected assets) in the map and select Create Work Orders or Create PM/Work Templates. The following options will appear:

    create work order

  3. If "For all assets" or "For each asset" is selected an option will be in the list to choose "For all selected feature in the map."
  4. If an asset doesn't have a Default Work Category or if "For all selected features in map" is selected the following popup will appear prompting for a category for each type of asset. This is required in order to properly populate the category associated with each asset selected.

    select catagory

    Note: The Select button is only enabled if a valid category is selected.

  5. After selecting the desired option a grid will appear. By default this grid contains the required fields for the work order or pm/work template. This includes both fields required by Lucity application and fields set as required by users in the desktop.
  6. Populate the fields in the grid.

    Required Fields for WO

    Invalid Input

  7. If desired check the box for "Export the current map display and attach it to the Work Order(s)" to create and attach a pdf of the current map extent to each Work Order.
  8. After filling out all of the required fields, submit the work order or PM/template. There are several submission options:

See Also

Lucity Module Tool

View Feature Relationships

Creating a Request

Create Inspections

View Associated Documents

Associate New Document