Eden System Setup

In order for the integration between Eden and Lucity to work, a database connection to the desktop will need to be established from within the Eden product. All modules that will integrate to the desktop need to be marked.

  1. In Eden, open Administration > Common Controls > Agency Information > Lucity Setup tab.

  2. In the "Modules in Use" section, mark the Eden modules with which the desktop will integrate.

    Note: Each Eden module integrates with a separate point in Work Orders or Requests.

  3. In the "Database" section, Datasource alias field, select the Lucity database name from the drop-down list (i.e. GBAWork001).
  4. In the "Database" section, DB username and password fields, enter the username and password used to connect to the ODBC connection.

See Also

Eden InForum Gold Integration

Lucity Desktop System Setup

Accounts Receivable Integration

Payroll Integration

General Ledger & Project Accounting Integration

Inventory Integration

Fields Imported from Eden to Lucity