Create Request

The Create Request tool has two options.  These allow you to create a request with or without X/Y coordinates.   

To create a Request, complete the steps below:

  1. Select the Open Module Tool .
  2. Right click on the asset in the map you would like to work with.
  3. Select Create Request from the tool menu.  This will display an additional drop-down menu allowing you to select the exact feature for which the Request will be created.  
  4. The drop-down menu lists assets at the approximate point you clicked on.  The system uses a small search tolerance so that you do not have to click exactly on the feature; however, this means you may also see additional features that neighbor the one you are interested in.
  5. In the illustration below, we have selected to work with a manhole located on a sewer line.  

    Create Request

  6. Once you have select the feature, you will see a dialog box prompting you to select a category for the request.  To expand the folders in the category tree, double click on the folder or click on the plus sign (+) to the left of the folder.

    Tip:  If you have difficulty finding the proper category, try looking at the icon beside each feature.  You should be able to find that same icon somewhere in the category tree.

    Select Category

  7. If you select a category that is not associated with that asset type, the following message will appear. You'll need to click Retry to return to the Category tree or click Cancel to return to the map.


  8. Once you have found the proper category, click Select. Lucity GIS will create the request for you, and Lucity will be opened with that request in edit mode.  With the Create Request option, the asset will be attached to the request, but the X and Y coordinate at the point you clicked will not be stored with the request.

    Note: To store exact coordinates along with your request (for example, a pothole repair), you need to select the Create Request At X/Y option.  The process you follow will be identical, but an X and Y coordinate will be stored with the request on the Location tab.

See Also

Open Module Tool

View Feature Relationships

Create Work Order

Create PM/Template

Create Inspections