
The Work > Planning and Budgeting > Tasks module enables you to plan the work that a department will perform during the fiscal year. For each task you plan, the module:

You can also use Planned Task records to detail the nature of the work, outline the process and methods staff will use, and establish expectations for work quality.

Task origins

Work Tasks are established the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Task Setup module. You select one of these tasks when creating a Planned Task record. Later, when you create the Work Orders required to document the work, you'll add that same Task to the Work Order as a subtask. This shared Task, as well as certain other criteria, is what later allows Lucity to match the Work Order to the Planned Task and report related quantity, cost and labor data. More information about linking Work Orders to Planned Tasks

Planning Resource Use and Creating Task Cost Estimates

A critical part of work-planning and budgeting is estimating the amount of resources (human and material) required to complete a task. Lucity enables you to add five types of resources to a Planned Task: Contractors, Employees, Equipment, Materials and Fluids. These resource records are created in the corresponding Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup modules. The cost and quantity data from these resources are used to estimate how much it will cost to complete the work—information that, in turn, is used in budget and labor allocation decisions for the task and for the department as a whole.


Common tasks

To open this module, select Work > Planning and Budgeting > Tasks.

How to create a Planned Task record

How to add a Contractor Resource to a Planned Task

How to add a Fluid Resource to a Planned Task

How to add a Material Resource to a Planned Task

How to add an Employee Resource to a Planned Task

How to add an Equipment Resource to a Planned Task

How to create Work Tasks that link a Work Order to a Planned Task record