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The Work > Planning and Budgeting > Tasks grid contains the following Toolkits:

Note: These Toolkit functions enable users to update Planned Task calculations on-demand; however, the Lucity PM Service also runs these calculations each night.

Copy Resources from Task | Selected record

Match All Work Order Tasks

Match Work Order Tasks for Fiscal Year | Selected Record

Match Work Order Tasks in same Fiscal Year as Current Task | Selected Record

Perform Cost Update | Current Filter

Perform Cost Update | Selected Record(s)

Remove Existing Guidelines | Current Filter

Remove Existing Guidelines | Selected Record(s)

Update Resource Costs using Classifications | Selected Record

Copy Resources from Task | Selected record

Copies all of the Resources associated with one Planned Task to another Planned Task assigned to the same Department and Fiscal Year. This toolkit streamlines the process of creating Planned Tasks.

How to copy Resources from one Planning Task to another

Match All Work Order Tasks

Searches Lucity for completed Work Orders from all open fiscal years and links Work Orders to any Planned Tasks that share the same Category*, Task, Department and Fiscal Year. This is the most time- and resource-consuming of the Match Work Order tools, because it searches the widest range of records.

Important: It is crucial that agencies run this tool (or one of the other Match Work Order tools) before running the Perform Cost Update tool, which pulls data from Work Orders to linked Planned Tasks.

How to match all Work Order Tasks

*If a Planned Task designates a Category, only Work Orders that share the same Category, Task, Department and Fiscal Year are considered a match. If the Planned Task does not designate a Category, a Work Order need only meet the other three criteria to be considered a match.

Match Work Order Tasks for Fiscal Year | Selected Record

Searches Lucity for Work Orders completed during the fiscal year you choose and links Work Orders to Planned Tasks in that fiscal year that share the same Category*, Task, and Department, as well.

Important: It is crucial that agencies run this tool (or one of the other Match Work Order tools) before running the Perform Cost Update tool, which pulls data from Work Orders to linked Planned Tasks.

How to match Work Order Tasks for Fiscal Year | Selected record

*If a Planned Task designates a Category, only Work Orders that share the same Category, Task, Department and Fiscal Year are considered a match. If the Planned Task does not designate a Category, a Work Order need only meet the other three criteria to be considered a match.

Match Work Order Tasks in same Fiscal Year as Current Task | Selected Record

Searches Lucity for completed Work Orders with the same Task and Fiscal Year as the selected record and matches those that list the same Category* and Department, as well.

This is the fastest and least resource-taxing of the Match Work Order tools, because it searches the narrowest range of records.

Important: It is crucial that agencies run this tool (or one of the other Match Work Order tools) before running the Perform Cost Update tool, which pulls data from Work Orders to linked Planned Tasks.

How to match Work Order Tasks in same Fiscal Year as current Task | Selected record

*If a Planned Task designates a Category, only Work Orders that share the same Category, Task, Department and Fiscal Year are considered a match. If the Planned Task does not designate a Category, a Work Order need only meet the other three criteria to be considered a match.

Perform Cost Update | Current Filter

Updates the estimated and actual cost fields on all Planned Tasks in the current filter on-demand, eliminating the need to wait for the automatic nightly recalculation.

Important: Before performing the cost update, you must run one of the Match Work Order Tasks toolkits. The Match... toolkits force Lucity to check whether any additional Work Orders are related to the Planned Task, which is critical to ensure the Perform Cost Update tool processes all relevant data and produces accurate actual cost, quantity and labor numbers.

How to perform Cost update | Current filter

Perform Cost Update | Selected Record(s)

Updates the estimated and actual cost fields on the selected Planned Task records on demand, eliminating the need to wait for the automatic nightly recalculation.

Important: Before performing the cost update, you must run one of the Match Work Order Tasks toolkits. The Match... toolkits force Lucity to check whether any additional Work Orders are related to the Planned Task, which is critical to ensure the Perform Cost Update tool processes all relevant data and produces accurate actual cost, quantity and labor numbers.

How to perform Cost update | Selected record(s)

Remove Existing Guidelines | Current Filter

Deletes any Guidelines that had previously been added to the Planned Task records in the filterset.

How to remove existing Guidelines | Current filter

Remove Existing Guidelines | Selected Record(s)

Deletes any Guidelines that had previously been added to the selected Planned Task record(s).

How to remove existing Guidelines | Selected record(s)

Update Resource Costs using Classifications | Selected Record

1. Updates the Unit Cost and Total Cost fields on Employee or Equipment Resource records tied to the selected Planned Task to reflect any changes made in the Employee Classification Setup or Equipment Classification Setup module.


2. Recalculates the Planned Task's costs for the current Fiscal Year.

This process is helpful when an agency begins planning for a new fiscal year by using the Replicate Fiscal Year tool to duplicate records. In most cases employee/equipment costs will have changed and must be updated. The Update Resource Costs using Classifications tool makes it easy to perform those updates in bulk.

How to update Resource Costs using Classifications | selected record