Work Order Task Record Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields


Serves as the user-defined, unique ID for the assigned activity.

  • An agency establishes its list of Tasks in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Task Setup module.
  • By default, this picklist displays the Tasks associated with the Work Order's Category. You may, however, opt to Show All records.
  • If you have the Ability to Associate permission, a prompt appears when you close the record asking if you would like to associate the selected Task with the Work Order Category.

Seq No

States the order in which the tasks should be completed.

Task Crew

Identifies a group of employees assigned to work on the task.

Task Supervisor

Identifies the employee responsible for the task.

  • The list of Supervisors represents records in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module that have the Supervisor field marked.
  • By default, the list only shows employees associated with the Work Order's Category.
  • If the Task Supervisor field is left empty and the Populate Empty Task Supervisor with Main Supervisor work option is enabled, the system populates this field with the Supervisor listed on the Work Order.




Identifies the specific part of the asset that is the focus of the task.


Identifies the street address where the work is to be performed.

Account #

Indicates the reference number for the general account that should be billed for the work task.

An agency can configure Lucity to handle account numbers in various formats. The configuration determines how users complete this field.

More information about Account Number formats

  • If the Account # field is left empty and the Populate Empty WO Acct# w/Main# option is enabled, the system populates this field with the Account # on the Work Order.
  • The system automatically applies the Task's Account # values to related Resource records if the Resource's Account # field is left empty and the Populate empty WO Resource Acct# w/Task option is enabled.

Proj No - Acct

Indicates the reference number for a specific project account that should be billed for the work task.

An agency can configure Lucity to handle project numbers in various formats. The configuration determines how users complete this field.

More information about Project Account Number formats

  • If the Project No - Acct field is left empty and the Populate empty WO Acct# w/Main# option is enabled, the system populates this field with the Project Number Account # on the Work Order.
  • The system automatically applies the Task's Proj No - Acct value to related Resource records if the Resource's Project Number Account # field is left empty and the Populate empty WO Resource Acct# w/Task option is enabled.

* Required.

Scheduling Fields

Task Start Date

Task End Time

Identifies the date/time that work on the task will begin or began.

Task End Date

Task End Time

Identifies the date/time that work on the task will conclude or concluded.

Required End Date

Indicates that the Task End Date field must be filled out before the Work Order can be closed.

  • The Required End Date field is typically not displayed; instead, it is usually carried over automatically from the Task Setup record.


Describes the current condition (e.g., active, in progress, complete) of the work activity.

  • If the Required Status field is marked, the Status field must be filled out before the Work Order can be closed.

Required Status

Indicates that the Task's Status must be filled out before the Work Order can be closed.

  • The Required Status field is typically not displayed; instead, it is usually carried over automatically from the Task Setup record.

Task Cost Fields

The Cost fields on a Task record display the estimated, actual and summarized costs for that work activity. Users can enter Task costs manually, or the system can populate the figures using cost data from Resources related to a Task. These figures then are factored into the Work Order's summary cost calculations.

More information about Work Order Cost relationships

Estimated Costs

Estimated Cost fields enable an agency to approximate the amount of time and the resource costs required to complete the task. Typically, these estimates are carried over from the Task Setup record.

Use Est Resource Cost.

Instructs the system to populate the estimate fields with the sum of the corresponding estimate fields from all records in the Task's Resources grids (Employees, Equipment, Materials, Fluids, Contractors). When left unchecked, users can update the estimate fields manually.

  • When this option is enabled, the estimate fields are read-only.

Labor Hours Est

Indicates the estimated amount of employee hours required to complete the task.

Labor Cost Est

Indicates the estimated cost for the employee resources needed to complete the task.

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Equipment Cost Est

Specifies the estimated cost of the equipment to be used to complete the task.

Contractor Cost Est

Specifies the estimated cost of contractors to be hired to complete the task.

Material Cost Est

Specifies the estimated cost of materials required to complete the task.

Fluid Cost Est

Specifies the estimated cost of fluids required to complete the task.

Misc. Cost Est

Displays the estimated cost of any miscellaneous items (i.e., taxes, permit fees, etc.) required to complete the task.

Total Cost Est

Computes the estimated costs for completing the task. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Labor Cost + Est Equipment Cost + Est Contractor Cost + Est Material Cost + Est Fluid Cost + Est Misc Cost = Total Cost Est

Actual Costs

Actual Cost fields enable agencies to document the real amount of time and cost it took to complete the task.

Use Actual Resource Costs

Instructs the system to populate the actual cost fields with the sum of the corresponding actual cost fields from all records in the Task's Resources grids (Employees, Equipment, Materials, Fluids, Contractors). When left unchecked, users can update the actual cost fields manually.

  • When this option is enabled, the actual cost fields are read-only.

Labor Hours Actual

Indicates the true amount of employee hours used to complete the task.

Labor Cost Actual

Indicates the true cost of employee resources used to complete the task.

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Material Cost Actual

Records the true cost of materials used to complete the task.

Fluid Cost Actual

Records the true cost of fluids used to complete the task.

Equipment Cost Actual

Records the true cost of the equipment used to complete the task.

Contractor Cost Actual

Records the true cost of the contractor used to complete the task.

Misc. Cost Actual

Displays the true cost of any miscellaneous items used to complete the task.

Total Cost Actual

Computes the true cost of completing the task. Automatically calculated as:

  • Labor Cost Actual + Equipment Cost Actual + Contractor Cost Actual + Material Cost Actual + Fluid Cost Actual + Misc Cost Actual = Total Cost Actual


Cost Difference

The Cost Difference fields enable an agency to see the difference between its estimates and the actual figures for the completed task. This information can help an agency improve its planning and budgeting processes and assess how its crews are performing.

Labor Hour Diff

Computes the difference between Est Labor Hours and Actual Labor Hours. Automatically calculated as:

  • Labor Hours Est - Labor Hours Actual = Labor Hour Diff

Labor Cost Diff

Computes the difference between the Est Labor Cost and the Actual Labor Cost. Automatically calculated as:

  • Labor Cost Est - Labor Cost Actual = Labor Cost Diff

security The ability to view this field is secured by the Allow View of Secured Fields permission. If a user does not have this permission, the field displays symbols (*"***.#*").

Material Cost Diff

Computes the difference between the Est Material Cost and the Actual Material Cost. Automatically calculated as:

  • Material Cost Est - Material Cost Actual = Material Cost Diff

Fluid Cost Diff

Computes the difference between the Est Fluid Cost and the Actual Fluid Cost. Automatically calculated as:

  • Fluid Cost Est - Fluid Cost Actual = Fluid Cost Diff

Equip Cost Diff

Computes the difference between the Est Equip Cost and the Actual Equip Cost. Automatically calculated as:

  • Equip Cost Est - Equip Cost Actual = Equip Cost Diff

Contractor Cost Diff

Computes the difference between the Est Contractor Cost and the Actual Contractor Cost. Automatically calculated as:

  • Contractor Cost Est - Contractor Cost Actual = Contractor Cost Diff

Misc. Cost Diff

Computes the difference between the Est Misc Cost and the Actual Misc Cost. Automatically calculated as:

  • Misc Cost Est - Misc Cost Actual = Misc Cost Diff

Total Cost Diff

Computes the difference between the Est Total Cost and the Actual Total Cost. Automatically calculated as:

  • Total Cost Est - Total Cost Actual = Total Cost Diff

Other Cost Fields

Unit of Measure

Defines the strategy used to measure work on this task.

For example, painting hydrants might be measured by each hydrant painted, while painting walls might be measured by the square foot.

  • If the related Task Setup record's Lock UOM option is enabled, the Unit of Measure field is read-only.

Unit Cost

States the user-defined cost for each unit of work.

# of Units

Indicates the number of units of assets that are associated with this task.

If the Lock Units field is not checked, the system automatically calculates the # of Units based on the following:

Lock Units

Prevents the system from automatically calculating the # of Units field. This feature enables users to manually enter the # of Units without that value being overwritten by the system.

Unit Calc Method

Specifies how the # of Units value is calculated for the task based on the Work Quantity Calculations.

More information about work quantity calculations

Calc'd Unit Cost

Indicates the cost for each unit of work, which depending on the Unit of Measure, could be the cost per asset or the cost per unit of asset.

For example, the Calc'd Unit Cost could represent the cost of painting a single hydrant or the cost, per square foot, of painting a wall.

  • Automatically calculated as: Calc'd Unit Cost = Total Cost Act/# of Units

CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.