Category-Level Security

Category-level security allows Lucity administrators to control what types of Work Orders and Requests users can add, edit or delete. When an agency implements this feature, each of its users are assigned permissions for each Work Category. Should a user attempt to add, edit, or delete a Work Order or Request, the system will check the Category listed on the Work Order/Request against the user's permissions to determine whether he or she can perform the desired action.

Please make note of the following fundamental principles:


All of the Lucity users at Metropolis Public Works need access to the Work Orders and Requests modules; however, management doesn't want users from the Sewer Department editing or deleting Work Orders or Requests for the Water Department. Therefore, the Lucity administrator should select all of the Sewer Department users and give them permissions to the sewer-related Categories, but not give them permissions to the water-related categories. Then, when a Sewer Department user views a Work Order/Request with a "Water" Category, he or she will not be able to edit it or delete it.

Module Permissions

Category-level security adheres to the module-based rules established in Lucity's Security program. If a user does not have permission to add/edit/delete records in the Work Orders or Requests modules, they will they will be unable to perform those actions, even if they have permission to add/edit/delete a records of that Category.

Category Permissions

The following Category-specific permissions are granted in the Work Employee Setup > Categories grid.

How to configure Employee records for Category-level security

How to assign an employee Category-specific permissions

How to configure Lucity for Category-level security