Grid Manager

The Grid Manager enables administrators to create, edit, and delete grids, among other actions.

grid manager

Display Controls

Module Selection Drop-downs

Enables the user to select a program, a module, and one of its components to control which Views/Forms are displayed in the grid. List of available modules


Grid Name

Specifies the title of the grid.


Provides the user-defined description of the grid's purpose.

Modified By, Last Modified On

Indicates the last user to modify a grid and the date the grid was last modified.



Creates a new Grid record.


Opens the selected record in the Grid Builder.


Deletes the selected record.


Copies the selected record.


Renames the selected record

Enable Exporting

Disables all of the previous tools and enables the Export button.


Exports the currently selected record as an xml file, which can then be imported.

Note: Lucity provides pre-built grids that can be imported.

How to add a Grid

How to edit a Grid

How to copy a Grid

How to rename a Grid

In This Section

Available Modules

Exporting Grids

Grid Builder