Exporting Grids

Often users want to set up grids in a test environment before loading them into production. In the bottom-right corner of the Grid Manager, there is an Enable Exporting checkbox and an Export button. These tools allow users to export grids they have created in one Lucity client and import them into another.

grid export

How To Export Grids

  1. Check the Enable Exporting box at the bottom-right corner of the screen. This action will disable most other buttons.
  2. Choose one or more grids to export and select Export. The following window appears:

    Export Test

  3. Browse to the location you wish to save the export.
  4. Give the export a name.
  5. Select Save. One .xml file will be saved at that location. The file will contain all of the grids that were selected in the Grid Manager.

    Note: See the Import from XML topic for instructions for importing a grid.