Fields in the geodatabase that are linked to Lucity fields storing address information such as street direction, street prefix type, street name, street type, and street suffix should contain a domain that matches the contents of the LucityStreet Name List. This ensures data integrity and prevents invalid addresses from being updated in the desktop application. With the standard Lucity geodatabase, the following feature classes have fields that use street name domains: Water Meters, Water Backflow Devices, Water Service, Sewer Service, and Street Segments.
Check in Lucity to make sure the General > Street Name > Street Name List is up to date and that the Update Street List Indexes Toolkit function has been run recently.
All street name domains are created using the values as they are defined in the Lucity Street Name List. The following shows an example of what is created for each domain:
Street Direction (Lucity.StreetNameDirection)
Note: this domain will automatically get associated to all fields linked to a Lucity street direction field (typically *_ADR_DIR)
Street Prefix Type (Lucity.StreetNamePrefixType)
Note: this domain will automatically get associated to all fields linked to a Lucity street prefix direction field (typically *_ADR_PT)
Street Name (Lucity.StreetNameName)
Note: this domain will automatically get associated to all fields linked to a Lucity street name field (typically *_ADR_STR)
Street Type (Lucity.StreetNameType)
Note: this domain will automatically get associated to all fields linked to a Lucity street type field (typically *_ADR_TY)
Street Suffix (Lucity.StreetNameSuffix)
Note: this domain will automatically get associated to all fields linked to a Lucity street suffix field (typically *_ADR_SFX)
Street Name Composite (Lucity.StreetNameComposite)
Note: this domain will automatically get associated to all GIS composite street name fields. These are GIS fields that have been mapped to Lucity using the composite option (green line shown below)
Street Name List (Lucity.StreetNameList)
Note: this domain will automatically get associated to all fields linked to a Lucity street list field (typically *_ADR_ID)
How To Update street name domains
In the Geodatabase configuration select the geodatabase from the tree located on the left.
Right-click on a feature class and go to Domains > Update Streen Name Domain(s). The following screen will appear.
This screen is asking the user to login as the Domain Owner. Domains within a geodatabase can only be edited by the original creator(domain owner). Often, not even system admin accounts can edit a domain if they weren't used to create it. Make an authentication choice and enter if username and password if needed. Click OK.
After this the a pop-up screen will appear for each Domain that can be configured.
The first five are domains for agencies that break their street name lists out into individuals fields. Skip the 6th one if you are using these.
The sixth domain is for agencies that use a single composite field that holds all the street name information. Skip the first five is you are using this one.
The last domain is used by both and configures a domain with a street name ID.
Choose a domain option and click OK. A series of messages similar to the following will appear:
Note: A message box will appearing asking for corresponding domain to be selected for the Street Direction, Street Prefix, Street Name, Street Type, Street Suffix, and Street Name ID.
Click Skip or Select to navigate through each dialog.
Note: When the Update GIS Domain tools are used the domains that are created, are sorted alphabetically by description instead of code.
Once all the dialog screens have been completed a validation screen will appear and run through the domain update.
A prompt will appear once the process is completed. Click "Ok" to finish.
Note: When the Update GIS Domain tools are used the domains are sorted alphabetically by description instead of code.