The Sewer module Sewer Tools are useful if you are modifying an existing sewer structure. This includes splitting a sewer line by inserting a new structure, deleting or renumbering an existing structure, or changing a pipe route.
To access Sewer Tools, select Sewer > System Tools>Sewer Tools and the following window will appear:
The Renumber a Structure option allows you to assign a new number to an existing structure and updates any data, observations, and work orders associated with that structure.
The Insert a Structure option allows you to insert a new structure into an existing sewer line. All Attributes, Construction data, Elevations, and Work Orders will be updated and carried over to both sewer lines. All observations (Sewer TV, Line Lamping, Smoke Tests) will be updated and carried over to the pipe record containing the section of line where the defect or observation was found. For some observations, you'll be able to indicate which section of line (upstream or downstream from the new structure) you'd like the observation to be attached.
The Delete a Structure option allows you to delete a structure and merge the connecting pipes. All data, observations, and work orders associated with the two pipes/structure will be carried over to the single remaining pipe record.
The Change a Pipe Route option allows you to change a pipe's route or reverse the flow. All data, observations, and work orders will be updated for that pipe.
Once you click on any of the sewer tools, the following window will appear:
This is the Manhole Filter. Here, you can enter the first few characters of the manhole number (or upstream manhole number) to search for a series of like manholes. If you would prefer to use the Sewer Tool on all available manholes, simply leave the filter blank. Click OK once you are ready to proceed. You will then see the individual Sewer Tool you originally clicked on.