Pipe Inventory Check Report

The Sewer Pipe Inventory Check Report tool allows you to create a custom report featuring  the overall condition of the pipes in the Pipe Inventory module.  It allows you to find errors in your pipe network that would otherwise be difficult to locate.  

Note:  The permissions for this tool are controlled by the permissions for the Sewer Pipe Inventory module.  If the user has permissions to view the Sewer Pipe Inventory module he or she can view these reports.

To access the Sewer Pipe Inventory Check Report, select Sewer > System Tools > Pipe Inventory Check Report and the following window will appear:

Check Report

  1. Set up the criteria for the report (see the criteria definitions below). Use the button to clear the screen and start over.
  2. Click to pull the data from the system.
  3. Click  to see the report. Upon selecting the Preview button you will be prompted to enter a discrete value (subtitle) for the report.  This is optional.
  4. Click to print the report.

Criteria Definitions

Below is a list of the criteria for the Pipe Inventory Check Report. Some of the options are self-explanatory, others are described below.



End Pipe Checkbox

The End Pipe checkbox, if marked, locates any end pipes. End pipes are those with no pipes downstream of them. While many end pipes are outlets to treatment stations, some may represent gaps in the pipe network or may have been entered incorrectly (i.e. flowing in the wrong direction).

Negative Drop Manholes

This criteria searches for all manholes where the upstream pipe has a lower invert elevation than the downstream pipe. You specify the invert elevation level in the field below the checkbox.

Neg Drop Manholes

Excessive Drop Manholes

This criteria searches for all manholes where an upstream pipe has a higher invert elevation than the downstream pipe. You specify the invert elevation in the field below the checkbox.

Excessive Drop

Missing Sewer Inventory Data

This criteria locates pipes that are missing the diameter, length, slope, rim, or invert data.

See Also

System Tools

Recalculate All

Recalculated Fields

Set Elevations

Set Elevations Status Codes Defined

Sewer Tools