Manage Shared Tabs

Share Tabs are Dashboard tabs that are shared between multiple users. These tabs are designed to allow administrators to make changes to a tab, and have that change applied to all the users that have that tab applied to their dashboard. Shared tabs can be created by a user in the Edit Dashboard Preferences window or using the Manage Shared tabs tool. However, once a tab is marked as shared it must be edited using the Manage Shared tabs tool and cannot be edited from an Edit Dashboard Preferences window.

The Manage Shared Tabs tool is accessible only from the the Dashboard/Preferences window when the Templates option is selected at the top.

security The user that is applying shared tabs to users should have administrative permissions.


Sharable Dashboard Tabs grid

This grid contains all of the tabs that are marked as shared. These are either tabs created in the Manage Shared tabs tool, or tabs that were created in an edit dashboard preferences window and marked as shared.

Filter Icon

Locate button - this button helps locate specific tabs in the Sharable Dashboard Tabs grid.

New Tab

Allows users to create a new sharable tab.

Edit Tab

Edits the sharable tab that is currently selected in the grid.

Users grid

This is a list of users or templates to select from. What this grid displays is controlled by the radio buttons beneath it.

Users with Dashboards, Users without Dashboards, Templates

Use these radio buttons to control which users/templates show up in the grid above them.

arrow_r arrow_l

Use these arrows to move users/templates selected in the Users grid into the User the selected tab applies to grid.

Users that selected tab applies to grid

This grid displays users that are associated to the shared tab that is currently selected in the Sharable Dashboard Tabs grid. Users can be added or removed from this grid to associate them to the selected shared tab.

Filter Icon

Locate button - this button helps locate specific users in the Users that selected tab applies to grid.

Delete tab

Deletes the tab currently selected in the Sharable Dashboard Tabs grid.

Save Changes

Saves changes made to the users associated to a shared tab.


Closes the window.

How To Add/Edit a Shared Tab

How To Share an Existing Tab

See Also



Apply Batch Template