Apply Batch Template

The Apply Batch Template tool allows users to apply Dashboard Templates to multiple users at a single time.

apply batch template

Users Grid

Select users in this grid that the template should be applied to. The users that show up in this grid are based on the radio buttons located below the grid. Records in this grid can be sorted by the User, Group, and Template Applied columns.

Lookup Button Filter Icon

This button provides a way to look up specific users.

Existing/New Users

These radio buttons control the Users grid. The grid shows users that already have a dashboard setup when Existing Users is selected. When New Users is selected the grid shows users that don't have a dashboard setup.

arrow_r arrow_l

These buttons add/remove users to the Users for Template grid based on what is selected and which button is used.

Users for Template Grid

This grid displays the users that the template will be applied to.

Template Grid

This is a list of all the templates that have been created.

Apply Template

Applies the selected template to the users currently in the Users for Template grid.

Reapply Template

Applies the selected template to the users currently in the Users for Template grid if they have had the template previously applied. This is useful when changes have been made to a template and then need to be re-applied to the users that they were applied to before without having to figure out which who they all were.

Preview Template

Displays a preview of the selected template's dashboard.


Closes this tool.

How To Apply a Batch Template

How To Reapply a Template

See Also



Manage Shared Tabs