
The Add/Edit Dashboard dialog allows users to add/edit/manage Dashboard Tabs that will appear on a selected user dashboard or template. Users can also manage website links that will be available using the dashboard Links tool.


Dashboard Tabs


Adds a new dashboard tab record to the grid on the left.


Edits the dashboard tab record selected on the left.

Delete/Remove Tab

Deletes the dashboard tab record selected on the left. If the tab is a shared tab, the button will read remove tab. This is because shared tabs cannot be edited by the user.

Share Tab

Marks the dashboard tab record selected on the left as a Shared Tab. Once a tab is shared the user can no longer edit it in their dashboard. It must be edited using the Manage Shared Tabs tool.

Copy Tab

This allows a user to create a copy of a shared tab on their dashboard. This allows them to have an editable copy of the tab; however, the copy will not be updated if the shared tab is updated.

Preview All

Provides a preview of the Dashboard and its tabs.


Moves the selected tab record up one space in the grid. The order of tabs in the grid is the order they will appear in the web.


Moves the selected tab record down one space in the grid.



Adds a new link record to the grid on the left.


Edits the link selected on the left.


Deletes the link selected on the left.


Moves the selected link record up one space in the grid. The order of links in the grid is the order they will appear in the web.


Moves the selected link record down one space in the grid.

Dashboard tools

Apply Template

Allows users to select a template to apply to this dashboard/template.


Saves all edits


Cancels all edits made



How To Add/Edit a Dashboard Tab

How To Share a Dashboard Tab

How To Add/Edit a Link

How To Apply a Template

See Also


Dashboard Tabs

