
Dashboards are the home page of the Lucity web product and the first thing users see when logging in to the web. It is designed to provide a quick overview of information, and act as a portal into more detailed information. Therefore, users have immediate access, via the dashboard, to the modules that they use on a frequent basis.

The Dashboard/Preferences dialog is an easy-to-use tool allowing users to customize the look and content of the fully dynamic Dashboard. The Dashboard/Preferences dialog provides a way to create dashboards for individual Users as well as create Templates that can be applied to multiple users.




Mark this button to show all the users that current have dashboards setup in the User/Template List


Mark this button to show all the Templates that have been created in the User/Template List.

Lookup Button Filter Icon

This button provides a way to look up specific users.

User/Template List

This displays Users that have dashboards setup or Templates that have been created depending on the button selected above. Select a user in this list to perform actions like Edit or Delete.


Adds another User dashboard or Template.


Edit the User dashboard or Template selected in the User/Template List.


Delete the User dashboard or Template selected in the User/Template List.

Preview Views

Preview the User dashboard or Template selected in the User/Template List. Note: The preview is designed to see how the dashboard looks. The plugins will display correctly, but may not function to their full extent.

Apply Batch Template

This button brings up a dialog that allows users to apply a template to many users at once.

Managed Shared Tabs

This button only appears if the Templates button is selected at the top. It brings up a dialog that allows users to create and edit tabs to share between users and assign those tabs to users.


Opens up a help topic about this dialog.


Closes this dialog.



Dashboard/Template Components

Dashboards are linked to a specific user. They are made up of Tabs, Frames, and Plugins. Using this tool each layer of the dashboard can be created and customized. In the following sections the information is laid out for how to create an individual dashboard and a template. However, the two processes are nearly identical.


A tab contains a set of data elements that are displayed whenever it is loaded. One user can have an unlimited number of tabs. The user's tabs are listed down the left hand side of the screen. Clicking on a tab in that list will switch the view to the frames and plugins that tab holds.


A frame is a space on the dashboard that contains Frame Plugins.


Plugins are stored in frames and are what actually display data. There are 5 standard types of plugins: Asset Tree, Data Drill, Map, Report, and RSS Feed.

In This Section


Apply Batch Template

Manage Shared Tabs

See Also

The Administration Tool






