While the Lucity Mobile app can be downloaded by anybody, it cannot be used until it is activated. Activation codes are unique for each user, for each device they use. So one Lucity user can have multiple activation codes, one for each device. Each device can have multiple Lucity users activated on it. Permissions in the Lucity Security Tool control which users will be able to activate a device.
When a user logs into the Lucity Mobile app on a device for the first time an Activation Code field will appear. They should put their activation code, for THAT device, in that field. They must repeat this for every device they log into the Lucity Mobile app on.
When the user logs into the Lucity Mobile app for the first time on a specific device an email will automatically be sent to them with an activation code. For more information on setting up the email address please go here.
If a code need to be re-sent an admin can manually trigger another email. That is discussed later in this section.
If you do not want to or cannot have the user get an activation code via email you can use the Activations Manager in Lucity Administrator to lookup the assigned user’s activation code.
How To
Activate a device
The first time a user uses the app on a device (after the client is configured) they will go to the login screen.
They must enter their username and tap login. Then:
A message will appear saying that "An activation code has been sent to your email address"
Note: The Lucity Services must be installed for the email to be sent
Enter their username, password and the activation code and hit login again. The program will activate the device and log the user in.
Note: This user must repeat this for every device they log into the Lucity Mobile app on.
Put a time limit on how long a device activation stays valid (when not in use)
In the Lucity Administration Tool go to System > Settings > Mobile tab.
In the Mobile activation timeout in days field enter a number.
If somebody is trying to activate another device and they system is out of licenses the activation manager will go through its current activations and check for any "inactive" devices. If a user hasn't used a device in for the number of days previously specified the activation manager will drop that activation and activate the next device.
Use the Activations Manager
In the Lucity Administration Tool go to System > Activations Manager. The following screen will appear.
Name - The devices name (ie the phone number).
Secret - The Activation code for this device/user record.
User Name - the user's Lucity login.
Last Activated on - When this device was last activated.
License - The type of license this device is using.
Deactivate license - deactivates the selected activation record and removes it from the active list.
View Log - View a log of every time the selected activation record has been activated or deactivated.
Send Email With Code - Resends the current Activation code to the user for the selected record.
Note: For more information about getting permission to use the Activations Manager please go here.