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Data Table

Click the Data Table tool Data table to view the features that are selected in the map.

Web Map_selection example

This dialog lists all features and their attributes at the location that you clicked. This tool will only work for visible layers. Different types of features will be listed in separate tabs.

Several additional tools are included with the Selection dialog. These are described below:

  • Click selection_clear to clear the selection from the data table.
  • Click Clear highlight to clear the highlighted feature(s) in the map.
  • Click Zoom and Flash to zoom and flash highlight the selected features in the map.
  • Click switch highlight to switch selection from the currently selected features to the assets that are not selected.
  • Click Highlight all to highlight all of the selected features in the map.
  • Click web map_show relationships to view relationships in the web app or in the desktop app.
  • Click web map_create subset to create a new subset.
  • Click web map_add subset to add to an existing subset.
  • Click Expand to expand the data table.

In This Section

View Relationships

Create Subset

Add to Existing Subset

See Also

Web Map Functions

Local Log Information

Table of Contents

Identify Features





Create Work Order from Map

Create Request from Map

Show Work Order or Work Request Location

Subset Manager

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