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Show Work Order or Work Request Location

To View Work Order or Request Locations:

  • web map_WO loc Show Work Location
  • web map_req loc Show Request Location
  1. Click the Show Work Or Request Locations tool The following menu will appear:

    web map_subset filters

  2. You can use an existing filter, or create a filter using dates, spatial features, or a combination of both.

    Note: You must have "Filter o Start Date of Work" or "Use Spatial Filter" checked if you are using either or both of these to filter for work order/request locations.

  3. The options tab allows you to choose how you would like the results to be displayed.

    web map_options

  4. When you have made your filter and display selections, click show to view the work order or request locations in the map.

See Also

Web Map Functions

Local Log Information

Table of Contents

Data Table

Identify Features





Create Work Order from Map

Create Request from Map

Subset Manager

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