Special Function: Linking Work Orders to Planned Tasks

The Planning and Budgeting > Tasks module lets you link Planned Tasks to Work Orders in order to integrate real data into your strategic-planning and budgeting processes. Using Lucity, you can compare estimated and actual costs, planned resource use and actual use, and planned work and completed work—analyses that are invaluable for evaluating efficiency, as well as for making future plans and budgets.

Below is an overview of how to link the Work Order and Planning and Budgeting modules by matching key information on a Work Order Subtask to information on a Planned Task record. It is through this relationship that Lucity integrates Work Order data into Planned Task records.

Matching Criteria and Process

Once Fiscal Year, Department, and Planning Task records exist in the Planning and Budgeting modules, users can create related Work Orders. (See Getting Started with Work Planning and Budgeting for more details.)

In order to be matched to a Planned Task (and appear in the Task's Work Orders child grid), a Work Order must:

Multiple Work Orders can be associated with a single Planned Task record. For example, if the Planned Task calls for removing and replacing all fire hydrants over 50 years old, an agency might create separate Work Orders for performing the task in each of its geographic work zones, and an additional Work Order for required inspections of the new hydrants. When the work is completed, quantity and cost data from all of these Work Orders would be incorporated into calculations for the Planned Task.

*Note: If a Planned Task does not list a Category, a Work Order needs only to meet the other three criteria listed above to match with the Planned Task.

Matching Process

  1. Create a Work Order record. Choose the same Category, Department, Division, Sub-Division, Area and Sub-Area as the Planned Task. (If no Category was identified on the Planning Task record, any Category can be selected.)
  2. Add a Task (Subtask) child record to the Work Order.
  3. Add Resources to the Task.
  4. When the work is complete, close the Work Order:
  5. In the Planning and Budgeting > Tasks module, match related Work Orders to Planned Tasks.
  6. Continue to Planning and Budgeting: Calculations and Costs.