Special Function: Calculating Costs in the Planning and Budgeting Modules

The Planning and Budgeting modules perform multiple calculations in order to provide information on completed work and costs. This data enables you to view up-to-date budgetary data for the fiscal year, for departments, and for individual tasks, including:

Planning & Budgeting Module

Cost Data

Work Data

Fiscal Year

  • Expended Budget
  • Remaining Budget
  • Percent of Budget Used
  • Percent Over/Under
  • Percent of Fiscal Year Completed


  • Actual Monthly Costs
  • Total Actual Costs
  • Total Costs by Type of Resource
    (Labor, Equipment, Contractor, etc))
  • Remaining Budget
  • Percent of Budget Used
  • Percent Over/Under
  • Actual Monthly Labor Days
  • Total Actual Labor Days
  • Percent of Labor Days Completed Year to Date vs Planned

Planned Tasks

  • Actual Monthly Costs
  • Total Actual Costs
  • Total Costs by Type of Resource
    (Labor, Equipment, Contractor, etc))
  • Remaining Budget
  • Percent of Budget Used
  • Percent Over/Under


  • Actual Monthly Completed Quantity
  • Year to Date Completed Quantity
  • Percent Quantity Completed YTD vs Estimated
  • Actual Units/Hour
  • Actual Unit Cost
  • Actual Monthly Labor Days
  • Total Actual Labor Days
  • Percent Labor Days Completed YTD vs Estimated


Planning and Budgeting: Calculations and Costs

Lucity automatically performs many of the Planning and Budgeting calculations through its Nightly Tasks. However, users can also perform calculations on-demand using various toolkits. The most effective sequence and process for running these toolkits is detailed below.

  1. In the Planning Task module, make sure you've run one of the Match Work Order Tasks Toolkits to identify all Work Orders that relate to Planned Tasks. More information on linking Work Orders to Planned Tasks
  2. In the Planning Task module, run one of the Perform Cost Update Toolkits to ensure that the Task's work quantity, labor days and cost calculations include all relevant Work Order data.
  3. In the Department module, run one of the Perform Cost Update Toolkits to ensure that the Department's labor days and cost calculations include all relevant Task data.
  4. Finally, in the Fiscal Year module, run the Recalculate Fiscal Year Totals Toolkit. This tool recalculates the Total Estimated and Actual Costs on the Fiscal Year form using data from all Departments associated with that Fiscal Year.