Planning and Budgeting Tasks Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Work Task*

Identifies the work activity that the department wishes to perform during the fiscal year.

  • Options in this picklist come from the Work Flow Setup > Task Setup module.
  • Only Task Setup records with both the Active Task and Main Task options checked appear in this list. However, Task Setup records must also have the Sub Task and WO Enable options checked in order for the Planning & Budgeting modules to later gather data from linked Work Orders.

Fiscal Year*

Indicates the fiscal year in which the department plans to perform this work task.

  • You cannot enter the Fiscal Year value directly. Instead, Lucity automatically sets the Fiscal Year when you choose a Department on this form.
  • To view only those Department records associated with a single year, enter the desired year in the search field at the top of the Fiscal Year column in the Department picklist.


Identifies the work classification associated with the Planned Task.

  • Options in this picklist come from the Work Flow Setup > Category Setup module. More information about Category fields
  • The Category you choose sets the default Asset (Type) for the Planned Task (if a default Asset Type was previously defined).
  • The Category also, in combination with the Work Task, determines which Work Orders' cost and quantity data are reported back to the Planning and Budgeting modules for purpose of comparison.


Identifies the agency group that will accomplish this Planned Task.

  • Options in this picklist are set up in the Planning and Budgeting > Departments module.
  • Departments are associated with a specific Fiscal Year; therefore, it's important that you select the Department record associated with the desired Fiscal Year.
  • You may notice several picklist entries for a department. These records represent smaller groups within the department. Therefore, when creating a Planned Task, it's important that you assign it to the proper department group.





Specifies that this Planned Task is assigned to a particular group within the selected department.

  • Lucity automatically completes these fields if, in the Department field, you chose a department with a subordinate group(s).


Overhead Item

Indicates that the costs associated with this Planned Task are considered indirect costs or fixed expenses of operating the business.

  • When you enable this option, Lucity does not include the Task's Cost data in the Department's Cost calculations.


Asset & Task Measurement Fields

The asset- and task-measurement fields listed below identify how much work a Planned Task involves based on the quantity of the asset to be worked on. This information is used to estimate the number of work days crews will spend on the task.


Identifies the type of asset associated with the planned task.

  • Lucity populates this value when you set the Category for the planned task.
  • Asset inventory modules are associated with a Category in the Work Flow Setup > Categories module.
  • If no default Asset Type is assigned the chosen Category, the Asset field displays "No Inventory Item."

Units of Asset

Specifies the quantity of the asset associated with this planned task.

  • For example: 300 acres of park grass to be mowed, 45 fleet trucks to be serviced, or 1,034 feet of sewer pipe to be cleaned.
  • You can enter this value manually or, if the selected Category is configured to automatically count or sum the Unit Of Measure, you can use the drop-down option Calculate Units of Asset to direct Lucity to determine this value.

Unit of Measure (1)

Indicates the form of measurement for the Asset. (For example: hours, acres or gallons.)

  • The user sets the Unit of Measure.

Conversion Factor

Identifies a value the system should use to convert Units of Asset (number of items) into Task Asset Units (amount of work).

  • Enter "1" if no special conversion is required.
  • Enter a decimal if the desired conversion factor is a percentage.

The conversion factor is useful when:

  • The Unit of Measure for the Units of Asset differs from the Unit of Measure for the Task Asset Units. (For example, converting feet to miles.)
  • An agency plans to complete a task in an amount of time different than one fiscal year. (For example, if an agency plans to complete a project over four years, enter .25 in this field to indicate 25 percent of the total task will be completed during this fiscal year.)

Task Asset Units

Calculates the number of work units involved in the planned task.

  • Calculated as: Units of Asset x Conversion Factor.
  • If you update the Conversation Factor, you must select this field's drop-down option, Calculate Task Asset Units, to update the Task Asset Units.

Unit of Measure (2)

Indicates the unit of measure for the Task Asset Units value.

  • The user sets the Unit of Measure.

Work Measurement Fields

The fields below allow an agency to estimate how many days it will take available crews to complete the planned task.

Daily Quantity

Specifies the number of Task Units a single crew can complete in a day. (For example, the number of feet of pipe a crew can install in one day.)

# Crews Available

Indicates the number of crews available to work on this task.

Crew Days Needed

Determines the number of crew days required to complete the task.

  • Calculated as: Task Asset Units / Daily Quantity.
  • Example: An agency needs to repair 111,745 linear feet of sewer pipe (as indicated in the Tasks Asset Units field). The Daily Quantity the crew can complete is 3,000 feet. Therefore, 111,745 / 3,000 = 37.25 Crew Days Needed.

Min Crew Days

Determines the minimum number of crew days it would take to complete the task using all available crews.

  • Calculated as: Crew Days Needed / # Crews Available.
  • Example: A task requires 37.25 crew days to complete. If there are two crews available, the minimum number of days required to complete the task is 18.63.

MHs Reqd/CrewDay

Indicates how many man-hours (MHs) are required (Reqd) and thus available in a given crew work day.

Quantity Fields

The following fields allow an agency to estimate how much work it will complete each month and later compare its estimates to actual data gathered from completed Work Orders. Learn more about Work-Quantity planning and calculations

Est %
(monthly fields)

Indicates the estimated percentage of the Task Asset Units (found in the Asset & Task Measurement fields on this form) that the department plans to complete each month.

For each month field, you may either choose to enter an estimated percentage (Est %) or an estimated amount (Est Amt--See field definition below). OR, you may opt to allow Lucity to divide the work evenly across all months. (See Even Monthly Distribution, below.)

  • If you enter a percentage, Lucity calculates the corresponding Est Amt.
  • The Est % fields are inactive if the Even Monthly Distribution box is checked.


Est Amt
(monthly fields)

Indicates the estimated amount of the Task Asset Units (found in the Asset & Task Measurement fields on this form) that the department plans to complete each month.

For each month field, you may either choose to enter an estimated amount (Est Amt) or an estimated percentage (Est % - See field definition above). OR, you may opt to allow Lucity to divide the work evenly across all months. (See Even Monthly Distribution, below.)

  • If you enter a specific amount, Lucity calculates the corresponding Est %.
  • The Est Amt fields are inactive if the Even Monthly Distribution box is checked.


Act Amt
(monthly fields)

Calculates the actual amount of the task completed each month based on Task Asset Units data from the Resource grids of related, completed Work Orders.

  • Lucity Nightly Services updates the Act Amt values nightly.
  • For these calculations to be accurate, all related Work Orders must:
    • list the same Category as the Planned Task*;
    • list the same Department, Division, Sub-Division, Area, and Sub-Area as the Planned Task;
    • have a Start Date and End Date that that fall within the same Fiscal Year assigned to the Planned Task; AND
    • list the Planned Task as a subtask in its Tasks grid.

*Note: If a Planned Task does not list a Category, a Work Order needs only to meet the other three criteria listed above to match with the Planned Task.

Even Monthly Distribution

Directs Lucity to determine the monthly estimates by dividing the value of the Total Est % or Ann Est Amt field evenly throughout the year.

  • When this option is enabled:
    • the monthly fields become inactive, and
    • the Total Est % and Ann Est Amt fields become active.

IMPORTANT: You must complete steps in this order:

  1. Check the Evenly Monthly Distribution box.
  2. Enter a value in either the Total Est % or Ann Est Amt field.


Total Est %

Indicates the estimated percentage of the work that the department plans to complete during this fiscal year.

  • If you manually enter the monthly Est % values, Lucity calculates the Total Est % as the sum of all monthly Est % values.
  • If you opt for Even Monthly Distribution and choose to enter the Total Est %, Lucity uses the Task Asset Units (found in the Asset & Task Measurement fields on this form) to calculate the Ann Est Amt as: Total Est % / 100) x Task Asset Units.
  • If you opt for Even Monthly Distribution, and choose to enter the Ann Est Amt, Lucity uses the Task Asset Units to calculate the Total Est % as: (Ann Est Amt / Task Asset Units) x 100.


Ann Est Amt

Indicates the estimated amount of Task Asset Units that the department plans to complete during this fiscal year.

  • If you manually enter the monthly Est Amt values, Lucity calculates the Ann Est Amt as the sum of all monthly Est Amt values.
  • If you opt for Even Monthly Distribution, and choose to enter the Ann Est Amt, Lucity uses the Task Asset Units to calculate the Total Est % as: (Ann Est Amt / Task Asset Units) x 100.
  • If you opt for Even Monthly Distribution and choose to enter the Total Est %, Lucity uses the Task Asset Units (found in the Asset & Task Measurement fields on this form) to calculate the Ann Est Amt as: Total Est % / 100) x Task Asset Units.


YTD Comp Qty

Indicates the total amount of the planned task that has been completed to date.

  • Calculated as the sum of the Act Amt (monthly fields).


% Quantity YTD vs Actual


Calculates the percentage of planned/estimated work that has been actually completed year-to-date.

  • Calculated as: (YTD Comp Qty / Ann Est Amt) x 100


Est Units/Hour

Indicates the number of task units the department estimates it will complete per hour of work.

  • Calculated as: Ann Est Amt / [(Ann Est Amt / Daily Quantity) * (Total Labor Hours per Day)]
    • Total Labor Hours per Day = sum of the Quantity fields on all Resource records linked to this Planned Task.

Actual Units/Hour

Indicates the number of task units the department has actually completed (to date) per hour of work.

  • Calculated as: YTD Comp Qty / [(YTD Comp Qty /Daily Quantity) * (Total Labor Hours per Day)]
    • Total Labor Hours per Day = sum of the Quantity fields on all Resource records linked to this Planned Task.


Est Unit Cost

Indicates the estimated cost of the task per unit of planned work.

  • Calculated as: Total $ Est / Ann Est Amt


Act Unit Cost

Indicates the actual cost of the task per unit of work completed to date.

  • Calculated as: Total $ Act / YTD Comp Qty


Labor Days Fields

The Labor Days fields on the Planned Task record calculate the estimated number of work days required to complete a task, as well as the actual number of work days spent on the task (based on data from Work Orders).

Note: Many of the calculations Lucity performs in this section of the form rely on data from fields in the Setup and Quantity sections of the Planned Task record, as well as from records in the Planned Task's Resources child grids. To obtain accurate results here, the related fields in those sections must be completed first.

(monthly fields)

Estimates the number of labor days required each month to complete this task.

To create these estimates:

  1. Lucity adds the Quantity values (which here, represent work hours) from all records in the Planned Task’s Employee Resources grid to determine the Total Crew Hours required for the task.
  2. It then retrieves the following values from the Planned Task record:
    • Setup section: Daily Quantity (amount of the task units a single crew can complete in a day);
    • Setup section: MHs Reqd/CrewDay (man-hours required per crew workday); and
    • Quantity section: [Month] Est Amts (amount of Task Asset Units estimated to be completed per month)
  3. Lucity applies this data to calculate the Labor Days monthly estimates:

    Labor Days [Month] Est fields =
    (Est Amt / Daily Quantity) * (Total Crew Hours / MHs Reqd/Crew Day)

(monthly fields)

Indicates the actual number of labor days worked each month to complete this task. These values are based on the number of employee hours recorded on related Work Orders in the system.

In order for Work Order data to roll up into these calculations, a Work Order must:

  • List same Department, Division, Sub-Division, Area, and Sub-Area as the Planned Task;
  • Have a Start Date and an End Date that fall within the same Fiscal Year as the Planned Task; and
  • Include the Planned Task as a SubTask (That is, the Planned Task must appear in the Work Order's Task child grid).

Total Est

Estimates the total number of labor days required to complete the Planned Task during the Fiscal Year.

  • Calculated as the sum of the [Month] Est fields in the Labor Day section of the Planned Task record.

Total Actual*

Indicates the number of labor days spent year to date working on this task.

  • Calculated as the sum of the [Month] Actual fields in the Labor Day section of the Planned Task record.

% Act vs Est*

The percentage of planned work days completed thus far.

Calculated as: (Actual Labor Days/Est Labor Days) x 100

*These values are updated regularly by Lucity Nightly Services.

Task Cost Fields

The Task Cost fields on the Planned Task record provide work cost estimates (based on Resources linked to the Planned Task) and calculate actual work costs (using data from related Work Orders). More information on Task Cost functions related to Work Orders

Note: Many of the calculations Lucity performs in this section of the form rely on data from fields in the Setup section of the Planned Task record, as well as from records in the Planned Task's Resources child grids. To obtain accurate results here, the related fields in those sections must be completed first.

$ Est
(monthly fields)

Indicate the projected monthly costs of completing the planned task.

Lucity automatically calculates the monthly values based on the Unit Cost of the resources (Employees, Contractors, Equipment, Materials, Fluids) found in the Planned Task's child grids.

  • Calculated as: [(month) Est Amt x Sum of all Resources' Unit Costs] / Daily Quantity

$ Act
(monthly fields)*

Calculates the true cost of completing the task per month, as determined by cost data entered in matched, completed Work Orders.

In order for its cost data to be included in this calculation (that is, "matched"), a Work Order must:

  • list the same Department, Division, Sub-Division, Area, and Sub-Area as the Planned Task;
  • have a Start Date and an End Date that fall within the fiscal year for the Planned Task;
  • list the Planned Task in its Task grid; and
  • have Resources assigned to that Task.

More information on Task Cost functions related to Work Orders

Total $ Est

Indicates the total estimated cost of the planned task for the fiscal year.

  • Calculated as the sum of all [Month] $ Est cost fields.

Total $ Act*

Indicates the total actual cost of the planned task for the fiscal year.

  • Calculated as the sum of all [Month] $ Act cost fields.

Actual YTD Amounts*

  • Labor $
  • Equipment $
  • Contractor $
  • Material $
  • Fluid $
  • Misc $

Indicate the department's year-to-date, actual cost of completing the task by type of resource.

Lucity calculates the Resource figures using cost data from matched, completed Work Orders in the system.

More information on Task Cost functions related to Work Orders


Identifies the amount of money that remains in the department's appropriated fiscal year budget to pay for the task.

Calculated as: Total $ Est - Total $ Act

% Used*

Identifies the percent of the department's appropriated fiscal year budget that has been spent thus far.

Calculated as: (Total $ Act / Total $ Est) x 100

% Over/Under*

Indicates the percentage over or under budget that year-to-date spending is on this task.

  • Calculated as: % Used / % of FY Completed
  • A value less than 1 indicates the task is considered below budget at this point in the fiscal year.
  • A value more than 1 indicates the task is over budget at this point in the fiscal year.

*These values are updated daily through Lucity Nightly Services. You may also update values on-demand using one of the module's related Toolkits.

Specific Guidelines Fields

Modify Guidelines

Directs Lucity to import default guidelines for this task from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Task Setup module into the corresponding five fields below. You may then edit the default guidelines as desired.

  • Enabling this option is the only way to activate the guidelines fields.
  • Any changes made to the Guidelines on this form do not affect the default guidelines stored in the Task Setup record.
  • Once enabled, you cannot uncheck the Modify Guidelines option. You may edit or delete the imported guideline text; however, if you want to restore the default guidelines, you must run one of the Remove Existing Guidelines Toolkits and then enable the Modify Guidelines option again.

Description of Work

Explains the nature of the task.

Planning Criteria

Outlines issues to consider when planning this task.

Check Points

Suggests milestones along the task timeline at which the department expects reports or task requirements that must be met before the work is complete.

Work Method

Explains how to complete the task.

Quality - Results

Defines standards, requirements or specification for completing the task well and as expected.

Common Fields

Custom Fields

Lucity Web includes a variety of empty fields that an agency can customize to meet its needs. The number of custom fields available varies by module. Custom fields may be any of the following types:


Lets users select a value (code/type) from an agency-defined list.


Enables users to enter letters or numbers in any combination.


Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.


Accepts numbers only.


Provides a pop-up calendar to enable the user to select a date.

Last Modified Fields

Last Modified By

The login ID of the last Lucity user to change the record.

Last Modified Date

The date that the record was last updated.

Last Modified Time

The time of day at which the record was last updated.