
The Work > Planning and Budgeting > Departments module identifies the business units included in an agency's fiscal year budget. For each department, Lucity:

The module also allows departments to indicate how many days per month certain classes of employees and equipment are available for work so that department management can determine how its planned use of resources compares with the availability of those resources.

*Note: Each Department record applies to that department only for one fiscal year. You must create a new Department record for each Fiscal Year you wish to associate with a department.

Defining Business Units

The Planning and Budgeting > Departments module allows agencies to associate a Department with a division, sub-division, area and/or sub-area, which is critical when matching Planned Tasks to Work Orders. (Among other criteria, a Work Order must list the same department/division/sub-division/area/sub-area as a Planned Task in order for its work quantity and cost data to be factored into the Planned Task's "actual" figures.)

Note, however, that if a department is broken down into smaller business units, those units' data are not rolled into the department's quantity and cost numbers. To see combined data, you must create a custom report.


Common tasks

To open this module, select Work > Planning and Budgeting > Departments.

How to create a Department record for Planning and Budgeting purposes

How to create an Availability record for a Department resource classification

How to add a Planned Task record to a Department