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The PM/Templates > PM Assets grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Multiple Assets

Add Multiple X Assets

Add Sewer Pipe by Alt ID

Add Storm Conduit by Alt ID

Sewer Stretch

Storm Stretch

Add Multiple Assets

Enables users to add multiple Assets from any Category to a Standard PM/Template all at once.

Note: This toolkit is available to add Assets for Standard PMs not marked as Grouped. More information on adding Assets to Grouped PMs.

How to add multiple Assets

Add Multiple X Assets

Add multiple Assets to a Standard PM/Template all at once. The name of the toolkit changes to match the module associated to the PM/Template's Category. For example, the toolkit displayed for a Fleet Work Order is Add Multiple Fleet Assets. The toolkit will display Asset options only from the selected PM's Category.

Note: This toolkit is available to add Assets for Standard PMs not marked as Grouped. More information on adding Assets to Grouped PMs.

How to add multiple X Assets

Add Sewer Pipe by Alt ID

Adds a Sewer Pipe to the PM Asset grid.

How to add Sewer Pipe by Alt ID

Add Storm Conduit by Alt ID

Adds a Storm Conduit to the PM Asset grid.

How to add a Storm Conduit by Alt ID

Sewer Stretch

Adds a stretch of sewer pipe to the Work Order created by the PM by entering an upstream and downstream structure.

How to add a stretch of sewer pipe to a Work Order created by a PM

Storm Stretch

Adds a stretch of storm conduit to the Work Order created by the PM by entering an upstream and downstream structure.

How to add a stretch of storm conduit to a Work Order created by a PM