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The PM/Templates > PM Groups > PM Grouped Assets grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Multiple Assets

Add New Asset

Add Sewer Pipe by Alt ID

Add Storm Conduit by Alt ID

Move Assets To Another Group for Selected Record(s)

Sewer Stretch

Storm Stretch

Add Multiple Assets

Adds multiple Assets to a PM Group's PM Grouped Assets grid.

How to add multiple Assets to a PM Grouped Asset

Add New Asset

Adds an Asset to a PM Group in the PM Grouped Assets grid.

How to add a new Asset to the PM Grouped Asset grid using the Add New Asset toolkit

Add Sewer Pipe by Alt ID

Enables you to select Sewer Pipes from a picklist of their Alt IDs to add them as to a PM Grouped Asset.

How to add Sewer Pipes by Alt ID to a PM Grouped Asset

Add Storm Conduit by Alt ID

Enables you to select Storm Conduits from a picklist of their Alt IDs to add them as to a PM Grouped Asset.

How to add Storm Conduits by Alt ID to a PM Grouped Asset

Move Assets To Another Group for Selected Record(s)

Enables you to move one or more Assets from one PM Group to another PM Group.

How to move Assets to another PM Group for selected record(s)

Sewer Stretch

Adds a stretch of sewer pipe to the Work Order created by the PM Grouped Asset by entering an upstream and downstream structure.

How to add a stretch of sewer pipe to a Work Order created by a PM Grouped Asset

Storm Stretch

Adds a stretch of storm conduit to the Work Order created by the PM Grouped Asset by entering an upstream and downstream structure.

How to add a stretch of storm conduit to a Work Order created by a PM Grouped Asset