Form Designer

Form Designer enables administrators to control the contents, layout and function of fields on a Form. This is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor; that is, the form displayed in the Form Designer will look the same as the Form will appear out of Design Mode.

security Requires the Lucity Apps > Lucity Web > Allowed to Design Views and Forms permission.

Form Designer Toolbar

Contains tools for adding different Form components and for controlling certain aspects of the Form's behavior.

Form Layout Designer

Displays the form layout and enables users to control the position and size of all form components.

Form Components Pane

Lists all Form components. Also controls the properties of Form fields (for example, read-only, editable).

Component Information

Shows how the Form will appear in Lucity Web and enables users to move around Form components.

Form Design Functions

How to edit a form

How to add a component

How to move a component

How to move several components and align them

How to arrange components in a grid

How to resize a component

How to manually edit tab order