Work Orders

Work Orders are the core of the Lucity Work program. They enable agencies to track the work that it performs. This information can be used to gather information about the amount of time it takes to do the work, the costs associated with completing the work, the amount spent on specific assets, employee time, etc. The module's robust features allow you to document, schedule, and track the nature and costs of your work, resulting in a variety of data you can use to improve your work flow and perform your work more efficiently.

You can generate Work Orders in Lucity in many different ways. They can be initiated by requested work, by planned preventative maintenance work, in response to an inspection, or on the fly.

No matter how a work order is created, it contains certain basic elements:

Special Grid Tools

work clock

Work Clock

Enables users to control which Task the Work Clock is running on.

Android Screenshot

Add Asset/XY From Map

Additional functionality under the Show in Map tool that enables users to open the Webmap and select things to add to the work order.

Common tasks

To open the Work Order module, select Work > Work Orders.

How to create a Work Order in the Work Order module

How to create a Work Order from an existing Work Order using the Asset grid

How to create a Work Order from an existing Work Order using the toolbar button

How to create a Work Order from another record

How to create a Work Order from the Lucity Webmap

How to delete a Work Order