Tire Tools

Tire Tools

The Tire tools enable users to quickly perform vehicle tasks that are related to the installation and care of tires.

Tires > Check Tread Depth/Inspect

Tires > Install Tire(s)

Tires > Remove Tire(s)

Tires > Repair Tire(s)

Tires > Rotate Tire(s)

Tires > Check Tread Depth/Inspect

Records basic inspection information regarding a vehicle's tires. Before using this tool, a user must complete the tire-related fields on the Fleet vehicle record.

Log Video Overview Video

How to record tread depth or inspection


Tires > Install Tire(s)

Performs tire "install" on a vehicle; that is, to add a new Tire record to an existing Fleet record or to link an existing Tire record to a Fleet record.

Users may install:

Before using this tool, a user must complete the tire-related fields on the Fleet vehicle record.

Log Video Overview Video

How to install an existing Tire record on a Fleet vehicle

How to create a new Tire record and install it on a Fleet vehicle

How to create a new Tire record based on a similar Tire

Tires > Remove Tire(s)

Removes a tire from a Fleet vehicle. Before using this tool, a user must have completed the Fleet vehicle's tire-related fields.

Log Video Overview Video

How to remove a Tire


Tires > Repair Tire(s)

Records information about a repair on a tire. Before using this tool, a user must complete the Fleet vehicle record's tire-related fields.

Log Video Overview Video

How to record a Tire repair


Tires > Rotate Tire(s)

Records that a vehicle's tires were moved to new positions on the same vehicle. Before using this tool, a user must complete the Fleet vehicle record's tire-related fields.

Log Video Overview Video

How to record Tire rotation