On forms there are many types of fields that allow users to view or edit Lucity records. This pages has some general information about different types of fields, and how to navigate through them.
Pick lists allow users to add specific assets, resources, locations, etc. to work orders and requests. In the web they can be displayed in several different ways. If an invalid submission is entered into one of these fields, an error message will appear. The different types of picklists are
Single Dropdown boxes - A single box that shows both the code and description together.
Dual dropdown boxes - One dropdown box for the code and one drop down box for the description. Selecting one automatically selects the other.
Text control boxes - This provides a empty text box for the code and a Picklist button. Enter the code and leave the field to automatically populate the description field, or click the popup button.
Click on the pick list button to the right of the field. The following popup will appear:
To Filter for specific data in the pick lists, type the filter criteria in the blank fields at the top of the screen. Then click the Filterbutton. The system will narrow down the available selections by the criteria entered.
The filter will search for data that either Starts With or Contains the value entered (depending on system settings). For example, enter Main in the street name column, and the filter will find the first street record that starts with Main.
Enter %[criteria] to search a field for that criteria occurring anywhere in the field.
When there are multiple pages of options to choose from: Click on the First, Previous, Nextor Lastbuttons to move through the pages.
Highlight a street listing and click Select.
The highlighted street will be added to the picklist field on the Form.
If the picklist is editable a message will popup in the bottom left had corner of the screen with the hot keys.
The following dialog will appear:
The columns can be sorted by clicking on the words Code and Type.
Select a picklist item
Click the Delete button. The following popup will appear:
Mark the Dont show this again box to hide this prompt for future deletes. Marking this will hide this for all picklists on the form.
Click Yes to complete the delete.
Note: Picklist options listed in gray are hard coded and cannot be deleted.
Click Complete to leave the dialog or click Select to leave the dialog and use the selected option to fill out the field on the form.
Requires the Popup Lists - Edit and Popup Lists - Delete permissions for the related module.
Required Fields
These fields are identified with an asterisk (*) and a different background color (orange). A warning message will be displayed if users attempt to submit a form without data in these required fields. A sample warning message is displayed below:
Yellow Fields
Some users may see yellow text boxes on the detail forms. These fields indicate that the Google toolbar can provide values if using Google's AutoFill option. This is NOT a feature of Lucity; it relates to the browser or a browser add-in that may occasionally alter the appearance of the form.
Default Values
Certain fields have been given default values by the system administrator. These field will appear with data already filled in on the form. These fields cannot be changed.
AutoCalc fields
There are several fields in the Lucity Program that are calculated automatically. Some of these are built in, and some are setup by administrators. The following rules apply to the fields in the web.
Calculated fields are Read-Only
If a field that is used by the calculation is empty, the calculated field will be empty.
If the resulting calculation is to big for the field, an error will occur and the record will not be save-able.
If the calculation will result in a division by zero, an error will occur and the record will not be save-able.
Form Navigation
Navigate through the fields by clicking in the desired fields or by using the Enter key (read only fields are automatically skipped).
Shift+Enter will cycle backwards through the fields.
Use Ctrl+Enter to go to the next line in a multi-line text box (like a Comment field)
Several fields on the Forms allow users to use the F5 key to copy a value from one field to another. These are listed below:
In Requests, from the Phone field to Home Phone, Phone 1, Phone 2, or Work Phone.
In Work Orders and Work Tasks, from the Start Date to the End Date.
In Work Orders, from the Total Cost to the Billing Amount.
In Fleet Travel Log, from the Start Date to the End Date.
In Fleet and Equipment, populates the WO Equip Code with a related value.
Note: Request forms now have a "look up" function. The fields that have this function allow you to type in information in one of the fields, click on the lookup, and select the correct record to fill in the rest of the information on the request.