Form Fields

On forms there are many types of fields that allow users to view or edit Lucity records. This pages has some general information about different types of fields, and how to navigate through them.


Pick lists allow users to add specific assets, resources, locations, etc. to work orders and requests. In the web they can be displayed in several different ways. If an invalid submission is entered into one of these fields, an error message will appear. The different types of picklists are

How To Use a pop-up picklist

How To Edit a picklist

How To Add a picklist item

How To Delete a picklist item

Required Fields

These fields are identified with an asterisk (*) and a different background color (orange). A warning message will be displayed if users attempt to submit a form without data in these required fields. A sample warning message is displayed below:

Errors Warnings

Yellow Fields

Some users may see yellow text boxes on the detail forms. These fields indicate that the Google toolbar can provide values if using Google's AutoFill option. This is NOT a feature of Lucity; it relates to the browser or a browser add-in that may occasionally alter the appearance of the form.


Default Values

Certain fields have been given default values by the system administrator. These field will appear with data already filled in on the form. These fields cannot be changed.

AutoCalc fields

There are several fields in the Lucity Program that are calculated automatically. Some of these are built in, and some are setup by administrators. The following rules apply to the fields in the web.

Form Navigation


Several fields on the Forms allow users to use the F5 key to copy a value from one field to another. These are listed below:

See Also


Street Signs - Special Field

Work Orders - Special Functions

Work Requests - Submittal Forms