The Find tool allows users to quickly search for Addresses, XY coordinates, Property ID tags, Assets, and Customers. Some of these tools will only work if the agency tracks the data the tool is reliant on. For example, if they do not track property ids the Property ID search will not work.
How To Use the Find tool
Clicking on the Find tool and the following dialog will appear:
Select the type of search to perform Find an Address
Enter an Address and Street . Note: When typing in the street name the program will try to autofill the rest the the name based on what has been typed in.
Enter other optional information Click Find . A point will be put in the map at the address location. Find an XY coordinate
Select the types of Degrees being entered. Enter the coordinates in the Longitude and Latitude fields Click Find . A point will be put in the map at the XY location. Find a Property
Enter a Property ID number Click Find . A point will be put in the map at the property location. Find an Asset
Select a Feature Type . This list is populated from the Lucity feature classes in the map. Type in an asset number. Click Find . The assets will be selected in the map. Search for a Customer
Type in any known information in the fields. Click Find . Any matching records will appear in the Matching Customers grid. If the desired customer record appears in the Matching Customers grid, select it by checking the box. The tool will try to locate the associated addresses for that record in the map. Any information missing in the search fields will be filled out from the Customer/Address record. To create a request mark if this is the above address is the Requestor Address , the Location of Problem , or both Click Create Request .