
Plugins display data and are stored in Frames. There are 5 types of standard plugins already built into the software.

Asset Tree

Asset trees group assets together based on module and relationship. They work for the Site, Building, and Equipment inventories and can be based on a filter. The tree will show a list of records for the selected module. Expanding one of those records will show children records related to that record.

Features and Example


Data Drill

Data Drills filter a module for data and display and group the data based on different attributes. Data drills can be created against Work Orders, Work Requests, and Asset modules. Each data drill can contain an unlimited number of drill downs.

Features and Example



This displays a small version of the web map.




These are Crystal reports that have been customized by the system administrator. These are displayed in either PDF or HTML format. To speed up dashboard load time reports are NOT run every time the dashboard is loaded. They are run when they are loaded in a dashboard, after a specified amount of time has passed. By default this is every 4 hours.

Note: that the Crystal Reports license only will run three reports simultaneously. If four users are running reports at the same time, the fourth user may receive a message stating that the maximum number of concurrent licenses has been reached. If this message appears try the report again.

Note: If a report requires other parameters to run, it will not be displayed, but will provide a link for users to click. Clicking the link will prompt for the parameters and run the report.

Features and Example


RSS Feed

This plugin can display RSS Feeds from other websites. This can be used to display the weather, or other news on the Dashboard.

Features and Example


See Also

