Available Licenses tab

The Available Licenses tab displays all Licenses that are currently not installed, allowing users to select licenses and install them. By selecting a license on the left, the information on the right side of the screen will change to reflect the license information. Licenses can also be installed from this screen.

How To Install a License

  1. Client Maintenance will load the empty configuration.
  2. At the top of the screen click the Available Licenses tab.

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  3. On the left will be a list of licenses that are in the LicensesCodes.xml but are currently not installed.
  4. Select a license on the left. The right side of the window will display information about that license.

    Note: Licenses marked PRD are for production use. Licenses marked NPR are meant to setup Test or Development environments.

  5. To install a license, highlight a licenses in the Available Licenses grid and click the Install button. The following window will be displayed:

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  6. This window is to specify a user-friendly name for the license, like the name of the agency, or department this license is for. Enter a name and press Ok. The following window will appear:


  7. This displays a form to fill out connection information for a database. After this form is filled out another one will be displayed for the next database.
  8. After filling out the above click Next >.
  9. The above screen will appear again for the next database. The previously changed information should be there. Verify the information and click Next >.
  10. Continue until the GBAUser database screen appears:

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  11. Fill out the Database Information and General Login information as before.
  12. Fill out the Desktop Gateway Login Information. For more information about these settings and different configurations go here.
  13. Fill out the Web Gateway Login Information - The Web Gateway Login Information section is required for all SQL Server and Oracle clients regardless of whether they use the web applications. It does not pertain to Access installations. Client Maintenance uses the information input into these fields to generate a new account in SQL Server or Oracle and assign permissions for that account. Changing the data in these fields (like updating to a new password) will update the password in SQL Server. If clients are using the Web applications, they must also go to each of their virtual directories and make the password changes there (or re-install the web apps).
  14. When all the information is entered click Next >.
  15. Continue until all the databases are configured.
  16. Click the Installed Licenses tab at the top of the tool.

In This Section

Database tabs

Documents tab

See Also

About Client Maintenance

Login Screen

Remap Licenses to Clients

Installed Licenses tab

Database Update

Database Connection Encryption Options

Encryption Tool