Required Fields


How do I make certain fields in a module required?


With your cursor in that field, Right-click + Ctrl and select Field Properties. Mark the Required checkbox, and click "Save."  This will make data entry in that field required.




I set a default value (or made a field required) and now that I've closed the module, it is no longer a required field. Why?


Any time you make a field required, set a default value, or checked the Allow Data Entry box, you must close Lucity entirely and reopen the program for changes to take effect. This is required of all users.




I made the Date and Time fields required, but they do not appear in the required color.  Why?


Although the date and times fields do not appear in the required color, they will flash in that color when a user tries to save a record without filling in those fields.



See Also

FAQs about Functionality

General Questions about Functionality

Patches, Service Packs, and Hot Fixes

Data Dictionaries

System Requirements

Error Messages

Pavement Weighting Factors

PMs Are Not Generating

SMTP Server and Notifications

Work Order Crystal Reports not Summing Correctly