Readings Tab

The Readings tab allows users to view meter readings for a piece of equipment.  The grid on this tab displays records from the Equipment Readings module.

A sample of the grid appears below. The functions in the grid allow user to view, add, or edit the record.


How To Add a Meter Reading

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The Equipment Readings module will open.  
  2. Enter the Current Reading date (required).

    Note:  The Equipment ID is also required, but it is automatically inserted in the new meter reading record.

  3. Save and Close the record.

More information about Equipment Readings

See Also

Equipment Inventory

Equipment Inventory Header Data

General Tab


Tracking Tab

Items Tab

Components Tab

Inspections Tab

Plates Tab

Specs Tab

Purchase Tab

Cost Tab

Evaluation (Eval) Tab

Warn/Start Tab

Reset Tab

Custom and Comments
