Comments Screen

Tapping the Comments tab at the bottom of the screen will open the Comments screen. This screen displays three grids. The Comments for Crew grid is a read-only grid containing information carried over to the work order. The Comments from request grid is also read-only. It contains comments carried over from the Requests module to the work order. You can use the scroll bars at the right-hand side of both grids to view comments in their entirety. Additionally, this screen contains a Comments history grid. This grid lists individual comments associated with the work order you are viewing. Double tap on a listing in the grid to view the comment in detail. Click the Add button to add a new comment to the work order.

Comments Screen

In This Section

Add Comment Screen

See Also

Handheld Functions

Getting Started

Work Orders Screen

Navigation Tools

Tasks/Resources Screen

Checklist/Events Screen

Location/Assets Screen

WO Numbering Screen