Work Orders Screen

Once you enter Mobile Work, you will see the following Work Orders screen:

WO Screen

The fields in this screen are described in the table below:

Field Name


WO Number

Work Order Number field. This (and all other shaded fields) is a read-only field.


Work Order Category pick list field.


Work Order Problem field. The available pick list is limited to problems associated with the category you chose above.


Work Order Action field. The available pick list is limited to actions associated with the category you chose above.


Work Order Status field (i.e. New Work Order, On Hold, Completed).


Supervisor name. The available pick list is limited to supervisors associated with the category you chose above.


Crew name. The available pick list is limited to crews associated with the category you chose above.

Start and End

Start and End date and time. Whenever you add a new record, these date and time fields are automatically populated with the current date and time.

Note: The pick lists include the numeric code and text description (example shown below). These pick list items are sorted by the numeric code.


See Also

Handheld Functions

Getting Started

Navigation Tools

Tasks/Resources Screen

Checklist/Events Screen

Location/Assets Screen

Comments Screen

WO Numbering Screen