User Mapping Grid

A sample User Mapping grid is displayed below. This grid contains the user mapping for the import data.

gbaMS User Mapping

The "Property" column specifies the Lucity user properties that can be assigned. These properties are defined in the table below:



Lucity Login

This is the login name used to open Lucity.

First Name

This is the User's first name.

Last Name

This is the User's last name.

Windows Domain

This is the Domain to use when associating the Lucity user to a Windows login.

Windows Login Name

This is the Window's Login name. If data is mapped to this column and the data already contains the dOMAIN NAME (i.e.Lucity\jsmith), then the mapping indicated in the Windows Domain will be ignored. If the mapped data only contains the Login name (i.e. jsmith), then the Windows Account will be a concatenation of the Windows Domain, a backslash (\) and the Windows Login Name.

The "Column or Value" column allows you to specify a column from the User Information grid that contains the data to import, or specify a text value that will be utilized for each record imported.

To specify a column name, complete the following steps:

See Also

User Import Fields and Functions

User Information Grid