Field or Function |
Description |
Import Source |
Used to specify the source of the imported data: ASCII File - Mark this button to indicate that a delimited text file is the source of the user information. Directory Service - Mark this button to indicate that a Directory Service like Active Directory is the source of the user information. Note: The selected radio button determines which of the following fields are available for user input; some fields will remain disabled. |
ASCII File |
If the ASCII File radio button is selected, use this field to indicate the path of the ASCII file. You can type in the path name or click the button to browse to the file location. |
Delimiter |
If the ASCII File radio button is selected, use this field to select the ASCII file delimiter from the drop down list (comma, pipe, tab, etc.). If the appropriate delimiter is not available, type it in manually. |
First Row Contains Header Data |
If the ASCII File radio button is selected, mark this box to indicate that the first line in the file contains header information. If there is header information, it will be used when populating the User Information grid. |
Provider |
If the Directory Service radio button is selected, use this field to indicate the provider used to obtain the Directory information. The default is LDAP. |
Path |
If the Directory Service radio button is selected, this specifies the path to the Directory Service. By default, this is populated with LDAP://<current user's Domain>. You can specify Organization Units (OU) in the path or other pathing criteria recognized by the Provider. Some examples are: LDAP://CN=<group name>, CN=<Users>, DC=<domain component>, DC=<domain component> LDAP://<domain> WinNT://<domain> |
Login |
If the Directory Service radio button is selected, use this field to specify the Login used to connect to the Directory Service. If a Login is not specified, the connection is attempted using the currently logged in Windows user account. |
Password |
If the Directory Service radio button is selected, use this field to specify the password used to connect to the Directory Service. The password is only necessary if connecting using different login credentials than the currently logged in Windows user account. |
Retrieve |
Once you have selected the Import Service and populated the appropriate source fields, this button will be enabled. Click on this button to retrieve the user information from the ASCII file or Directory Service and populate the User Information grid. |
User Information |
This grid displays the information retrieved from the Import Source. For additional information on the columns and functions in this grid, follow the User Information link. |
User Mapping |
This grid displays the user mapping for the import data. For additional information on the columns and functions in this grid, follow the User Mapping link. |
Import |
If there is data in the User Information grid and the User Mapping grid has a "Column or Value" for the Login, the Import button will be enabled. Pressing this button will import the User Information. Follow the link for additional information on the Import Process. |