Rehab Tab

The Rehab tab fields allow you to document any rehabilitation that occurred as a result of the inspection.  Each field is defined below:

Field Name


Min Rehab Priority

This field is populated with the lowest Min Rehab Priority value found in any of the observations attached to this inspection.

Rehab Method

This field uses a code-description pick list allowing you to specify the rehabilitation method.

Rehab Cost

Here, you can enter the cost of rehabilitation.

Contingency Cost

Here, you can enter any impending costs.

Percent Flow Removed

This is a calculated field based on the information in the Observation tab.  Press F5 to calculated the total percent of flow removed due to the rehabilitation. 

Note: You must be in Edit Mode for the calculations to be performed.

Total Flow Removed

This is a calculated field based on information in the Observation tab.  Press F5 to calculate the total amount of flow removed due to the rehabilitation.

Note: You must be in Edit Mode for the calculations to be performed.

Cost Effectiveness

This is a calculated field based on the total flow removed divided by the total cost of rehab.  Press F5 to calculate the cost effectiveness. 

Note: You must be in Edit Mode for the calculations to be performed.

Pipe Ranking

This field is optional.

See Also

TV Inspection

TV Inspection Header Data

Set-up Tab

Pipes Tab

TV Observation Tab

Summary Tab

Data Tab

Custom and Comments

Graph Function