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Uninstalling a Pump
  1. Right click on a record in the Pump Location Grid and select Uninstall Pump.  A window similar to the following will appear:

    Uninstall Pump

  2. Enter the Date the pump was uninstalled.  This is required.
  3. Enter the Meter Reading at the time the pump was uninstalled. 

    Note: The Action field is automatically populated.

  4. Enter any additional comments in the grid.
  5. Save and Close the window.

    Note: After a pump is removed from a pump station, the pump’s inventory record is considered a “history record” and can still be viewed by clicking the Relationship button on the module toolbar.

See Also

Pumps Tab

Pump Locations Grid

Adding a Pump Location Record

Installing a Pump

Replacing a Pump

Create Pump Inspection Record

Create Pump Readings Record

Location History Grid

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