Attributes Tab

The Attributes Tab allows users to record details about the Flow Basin.  The fields on this tab are described in the table below:

Infiltration & Inflow Days

These fields allow users to enter the number of days of infiltration and inflow in a year for the flow basin in this record.

Infilt & Inflow T&T Cost

These fields allow users to enter the cost of treating and transporting the infiltration and inflow (I/I) for a year.

Pres Worth Factor

The Present Worth Factor is a constant based on the projected life of the pipe and inflation.  This number multiplied by the annual cost of transporting and treating the I/I equals the amount of money needed today to transport and treat the I/I over the life of the basin.

Infilt Adj Factor

The Infiltration Adjustment Factor is the number multiplied by the infiltration when reports containing infiltration values are printed.

Inflow Adj Factor

The Inflow Adjustment Factor is the number multiplied by the inflow when reports containing inflow values are printed.

Base Infilt (gpd)

The base infiltration refers to normal groundwater level infiltration.

High GW Infilt (gpd)

The high groundwater infiltration refers to peak infiltration during high groundwater levels, usually due to rainfall.

Inflow (gpd)

This field refers to the peak inflow.

Flow Basin Outlets

The Flow Basin Outlets grid allows users to document the outlet pipes for the current flow basin. These are all of the pipes that flow out of the basin into the downstream flow basin(s).

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.


How To

Add a new Outlet

  1. Right click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

    Flow Basin Outlets

  2. Click on the Alt Pipe ID button or click in the field and press F9 for a picklist of pipes.
  3. Choose on a pipe in the list and click Select.
  4. The US Structure and DS Structure fields will automatically be filled out.

    Note: The pipe must already exist in Pipe Inventory.

  5. Save and close the record.

See Also

Flow Basins Inventory

Sewer Flow Basin Header Data

Custom and Comments


How to Assign Flow Basins to Pipe Inventory