Combination of PCI and Factors Required

These fields appear near the center of the screen.  They are used only if you wish to select a rehab type based on both PCI and factors, or based on PCI, factors, and patching percentages.  To use these fields for rehab selection, the Combination of PCI and Factors Required check-box must be marked.  You can then indicate minimum and maximum values for patching percentages, Load, Non-Load, Environmental, Structural, and Roughness factors.  

If a street's factors and/or patching percentages fall within the range indicated here and the PCI range indicated previously, this rehab technique will be selected.  This feature may be most useful for excluding streets from selection.  For example, a street's PCI may fall within the range defined, but the load factor may be outside of the range indicated.  In this situation, the street will not be selected for this type of rehab since you used a combination of PCI and factors.

Note: When using Patching percentages, you must also have at least one value in one of the Supersegment Factor fields. The patching percentages are compared to the Patching % field on the Condition tab of the related Supersegment record. The factor values are compared with the Distress Type (as indicated in the Pavement Distresses module) of all rated distresses in the Field Inspection module.

Note: When using Supersegment Factors, the values on this tab are compared to the Supersegment Factors (not Ratings) on the Condition tab of the related Supersegment record.

Note: A tutorial movie describing the use of several fields in this tab is available. Click on the link for more information.

See Also

Rehab Techniques

Rehab Techniques Header Data

Default Triggers

Information Once Selected