Field Functions

The fields in this module are described below:

Field Name

Special Function

Import from ODBC Database

This checkbox allows you to import data from an ODBC database.  If this checkbox is not marked, the program assumes you will import ASCII data. Once this checkbox is selected, the DB Setup button will be enabled and the ASCII File text box, Delimited By dropdown list, and First Row Contains Header Data checkbox will all become disabled.


Here, you can specify the path to the ASCII file containing the data to be imported.  You can browse for the file to import by pressing the button.

Delimited By

This field is used to indicate how the data in the ASCII file is delimited.  You can either enter a character or series of characters into this field or select one of the items listed in the dropdown list.

First Row Contains Header Data

This checkbox is used to indicate if there is column header data in the ASCII file.  By checking this box, the first row will not be imported as a valid record; however, it will be used in the mapping screen to help with column mapping.

Destination Table

This field is used to indicate which table you are importing data into.  Select the appropriate table from the drop down list.

Note: Available tables vary by module.

Look Up Fluid Cost Based on Code

This checkbox is only enabled if Fuelings (EFFUEL) is selected in the Destination Table field.  By checking this field, the tool will lookup the Fuel Cost in the Work Flow Setup > Fluid module and use that unit cost if a unit cost is not specified in the import data.

Note: This checkbox only appears in the Equipment/Facility Import tool.

Look Up Tree Information from Tree Code Setup

This checkbox is only enabled if Tree Inventory (TREE) is selected in the Destination Table field. By checking this field, the tool will lookup the corresponding data from the Tree Code Setup module (Tree Code, Common Name, Genus, Species, and Cultivar), and populate this data if it is not specified in the import data.

Note: This checkbox only appears in the Park/Tree Import tool.

Validate Code & Types

This checkbox indicates whether you would like to perform validation on the code and type fields.  If checked, the tool will mark records as invalid if both the code and type fields do not match a value specified in Lucity™.

Note: The Fuel Code and Type fields in the Equipment/Facility Import tool are always validated regardless of the status of the Validate Code & Types checkbox.

Round Numeric Data to Match Mask

This checkbox indicates whether you would like the import program to round numeric data to match the field Masks in the desktop. If this box is unchecked and the data has a higher precision that what Lucity allows, the record will be marked as invalid.

Export Invalid Records

This checkbox indicates whether you would like an export file to be created showing any records that were nontransferable during the import.  This file will be an ASCII, tab delimited file.  When this checkbox is marked, the Export File (for Invalid Records) field is enabled.

Export File (for Invalid Records)

This text field is enabled when you mark the Export Invalid Records checkbox.  This field allows you to specify the location where you would like the export file to be created and the file name.  You can then browse to the export directory by pressing the button.

Saved Settings

This grid lists any saved settings defined by a user.  By clicking on a setting, the saved information will be loaded and shown in the various fields on screen.  Any field mappings will also be loaded at that time.

In the grid, there is a Default column.  Each user (as indicated in the User column) can have one record marked as Default.  This means that when the module is opened, the Default settings are automatically loaded.  You can change the Default by clicking on the appropriate checkbox, or by right-clicking on the highlighted record and selecting Toggle Default.  You also have the option of deleting or renaming a saved setting by right-clicking on the highlighted record and choosing the appropriate option.

Once a setting is loaded, you can modify any of the settings or field mappings.  If you click the Save button, the currently highlighted Saved Setting will be overwritten with the modifications.  If you click Save As, a new Saved record will be created based on the name specified.

If you choose not to save your settings, then the changes will be used for the current import, however, you will not have access to these changes after the import.


If this button is selected, the current settings and field mappings will be saved.  If a record is highlighted in the Saved Settings grid, the record will be overwritten.  If no record is selected, the user will be prompted for a name to save the settings as.  The saved setting name must be unique.

Save As

If this button is selected, the current settings and field mappings will be saved.  The user will be prompted for a name to save the settings as.  The saved setting name must be unique.


If this button is selected, all of the settings and field mappings will be cleared and any record selected in the Saved Settings grid will be unselected.


If this button is selected the import tool will exit and any changes will be lost.


If this button is selected, you will be taken to a Field Mapping form that allows you to map the data to be imported to the corresponding fields in Lucity™. The Field Mapping form is discussed in the Field Mapping section.


If this button is selected, you will be taken to the online Help file.


If you click on the Import button, the import process will begin utilizing the settings and mappings indicated by the user.  If any modifications have been made, you will be prompted to save your changes or continue. Please be aware that you will not have another chance to save your changes after this point.  We recommend that you save your changes before proceeding.

See Also

Lucity Import

ODBC Database Setup

Field Mapping Button

Import Button