
The Roads module is used to define a length of roadway (i.e. I-80, Hwy 2, etc.). Roadways may include any variety of linearly measured county roads, highways, and turnpikes. You can then divide roadways into road segments using a linear marking system and associate ramps, attributes, and assets to your roadway using linear reference points.

For information about this module's toolbars click on the corresponding icon below.


Note: Users can view any field definition by right clicking + Ctrl in that field.

To access the Road module, select Transportation > Road > Roads and the following window will appear. 


In This Section

Road Header Data

Attributes Tab

Segments Tab

Ramps Tab

Assets Tab

Stationing Changes Tab

Bridges Tab

ROW 1 Tab

ROW 2 Tab

Traffic Control Devices Tab

Accident Tab


Custom and Comments

See Also


Road Attributes

Road Segments

Road Ramps

Road Assets

Road Segment Traffic Volume