Note: If you are using Lucity version 6.73 or higher, this step is no longer required. If you do not have the GBAARCED table in your geodatabase, Lucity GIS will use the table located in your GBAComm database. You may still add this table for performance reasons.

The GBAARCED standalone table may be found in the GBAGIS.mdb located on your most recent install CD.  To load this table into your geodatabase follow these steps:

  1. Open ArcCatalog and make a connection to your ArcSDE geodatabase that will host the geodatabase data that is to be integrated with Lucity.  This is NOT your "sde" database.  This database should be the same database defined in your database configuration screen in the desktop application.
  2. If you are using SQL Server: You must make the above ArcSDE connection using the DBO (usually this is the "sa" login).  Loading this standalone table as a user other than the dbo will cause the Lucity Integration to error.
  3. If you are using Oracle: Load the data using ArcCatalog; you can use whatever login you want.  After you load the database you will need to issue the following command in Oracle's SQL Plus
  4. Navigate to the GBAGIS.mdb that is on the Lucity Install CD and find the GBAARCED standalone table in this database.
  5. Right click on this standalone table and select Copy.
  6. Navigate back to the ArcSDE connection you made in step 1.  In the root connection right click and select paste so that the standalone table pastes directly into the ArcSDE database and not into any of the feature datasets.
  7. This will load the standalone table into your geodatabase.  If you ever decide you need to delete and reload this table, be sure to delete it through the ArcCatalog interface.  Do not delete this table directly from your SQL Server, Oracle, or Access database.
  8. This standalone table should never be registered as versioned.  All user permissions must be maintained directly through the backend database.  Do not use ArcCatalog to assign users to this table.

See Also

Required Modifications to a Custom Geodatabase

Fields that May Need to be Added

Fields that May Need to be Modified

New Feature Classes that Must be Added

New Users that Must be Added and Permissions Applied