User Dashboards

The User Dashboards section of the Admin Portal's Dashboard Management tool enables administrators to manage Dashboards to control what users see when they launch Lucity. This tool displays a list of all users and indicates whether a Dashboard is assigned to them. From here, an administrator can create a Dashboard to assign to an individual or group or edit an individual's Dashboard.

security This tool requires the Admin > Lucity App Admin > Run permission.

admin port user dash

Key features



Creates a new Dashboard for the selected user.

  • This button is enabled only when the selected user does not already have an assigned Dashboard (as indicated by a blank check box next to the user name.)


Opens the selected user's Dashboard for viewing or editing.

Refresh Grid

Refreshes the current grid to display any changes.

How to add a new Dashboard

How to add a Tab to a user Dashboard

How to edit a Dashboard Tab

Note: This process applies only to an unshared Tab on an individual's Dashboard.

Method 1: Open your own user Dashboard

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard via the Home tab.
  2. Continue to "Edit a Dashboard Tab" below.

Method 2: Open another user's Dashboard

  1. Select Admin Portal admin portal in the Lucity widget toolbar.

    security This tool requires the Admin > Lucity App Admin > Run permission.

  2. In the navigation panel on the left, select Dashboard Management > User Dashboards. A list of users appears in the main panel.
  3. Select the user from whose Dashboard you want to remove a Tab.
  4. Select Open. The user's Dashboard opens.
  5. Continue to "Edit a Dashboard Tab" below.

Edit a Dashboard Tab

  1. Select Enter Design Mode enter design mode inline. The Dashboard switches to Design Mode.
  2. Click Edit Properties edit properties inline next to the Dashboard Tab you want to modify. The Edit Tab pane appears:

    remove user tab

  3. Modify the Tab settings as desired.
  4. Click OK. The Tab is modified.

How to copy a tab from another Dashboard

How to assign a Tab Group to a user Dashboard

How to remove a Tab from a user Dashboard

How to remove a Shared Tab from an individual user Dashboard

More information about Dashboard setup

More information about Dashboard Tab setup