Frame Setup

A Frame contains Plugins, which are Dashboard components used to display information. The Frame contains the Plugins and dictates how users interact with those Plugins.

Frame Properties

Frame Properties


Indicates the name of the Frame, as it is displayed in the Dashboard.

Span Frame

Indicates that the Frame should span the entire width of the Dashboard Tab page. By default, Frames are only half as wide as the page, allowing two Frames to appear side by side. The Span Frame option is useful in displaying reports.

More information about Frame Widths

Edit Properties

Edit Frame

Enables an administrator to modify the frame.


Visible on Web

Indicates that the Frame should appear on the Lucity Web Dashboard.


Visible on Mobile

Indicates that the Frame should appear on the Lucity Mobile Dashboard.

  • This icon only appears if the frame is set to appear on a Lucity Mobile Dashboard in Online mode and not Offline mode.


Mobile Offline Support

Indicates that the Frame should work in Lucity Mobile's offline mode. This preference tells the system to cache frame data on the tablet so that users have access to it when they are not connected to the network.

  • This icon appears in place of the Mobile phone icon for web inline icon if the frame is set to appear on a Lucity Mobile Dashboard in Online mode and Offline mode.
  • Note: When marked the program will automatically consider any views attached to any data drills to be offline available as well.



Sets a custom width in pixels for the frame.

More information about Frame Widths

How to add a Frame

How to copy a frame from another Dashboard

How to edit a Frame