The Planned Task module's Contractor Resources function enables an agency to estimate the amount of work a contractor will complete on a task and the cost of that work. The quantity and cost data supplied here are rolled up into the Planned Task record's monthly cost estimates.
Contractor Resources grid
A Planned Task record's Contractor Resources grid lists contractors that are expected to work on the planned task this fiscal year.
Open the Work > Planning and Budgeting > Tasks module.
Click to expand the Planning and Budgeting > Task record for which you want to create a Contractor Resources record.
Select the Contractor Resourcesgrid.
Click Add . A new Contractor Resources record appears.
Use the Resource picklist to select the Contractor you want to link to this Task (required). Options in this list come from the Contractor Setup module.
If the related Contractor Setup record specifies the contractor's Unit of Measure and Unit Cost, Lucity automatically copies those values to the Planned Contractor Resource record.
If the Unit of Measure and Unit Cost values do not carry over, you must complete these fields manually.
Enter the Quantity of work units you expect the contractor to complete this task during the fiscal year.
Click outside the Quantity field. Lucity calculates the estimated Total Cost of this contractor's work on the task.
Save and close the record. The new record now appears in the Work > Planning and Budgeting > Contractor Resources grid; however, Quantity and Cost data from the Resource record are not included in the Task's Quantity and Cost figures until Lucity Nightly Services runs or you run one of the Perform Cost Update toolkits.
Contractor Resource record fields
Identifies the an outside company or individual who will complete or help complete the task this fiscal year.
Identifies the unit of measurement for the contractor's work (for example, hours, days or square feet).
Lucity automatically completes this field using corresponding data from the Contractor Setup record, if available.
Unit Cost
Specifies the cost to use one unit of this contractor.
Lucity automatically completes this field using corresponding data from the Contractor Setup record, if available. However, you can change the Unit Cost on this record without altering the original Setup record.
Specifies the estimated number of resource units required to complete this task.
This value should correlate with the Unit of Measure.
Total Cost
Calculates the total estimated cost of the contractor's work on the task.